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The business saves on security

When the MIA structures faced with stuff reduction, it was assumed that the redundant policemen would go to private security firms. However, as it turned out, nobody in the PSEs is waiting for them.

- Our industry is in a critical condition... - said Sergey Kuznetsov, head of the PSE “Irokez” to the magazine “Capitalist” about the business, – Redundancies in the PSEs started a long time ago. Small firms have suspended their activities, and those who are larger, have had financial-economic parameters reduced by 30-40 percent. The business is optimized, and primarily the security costs are being reduced. Where the round the clock security has been earlier, now the guard is only at night, and where five people per shift have been on duty, now only one is remained.

The reduction primarily touched those enterprises, which were engaged in “physical” security – when the guards are on duty. Clients refuse services of security companies in full, or categorically demand to reduce prices by half.

The reduction touched to a lesser degree companies, involved in panel protection (when rapid response teams arrive at the signal of the alarm button).

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