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PSCs need protection

The Ministry of Labor in 2014 plans to develop and adopt rules on labor protection of  employees of non-state security (NSS). This was reported by Director of the Department of labor conditions and protection of the Ministry Valery Korzh at the second all-Russian conference of NSS. In his opinion, these rules will make a work of employees of PSCs safer.

“The last tragic events: explosions in Vologda and the crime of a fifteen-year-old schoolboy in Moscow showed, that the non-governmental sphere of security requires fundamental changes”, - said Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate for public order protection and coordination of interaction with the executive authorities of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs Leonid Vedenov.

Employees of PSCs today are poorly protected, though they play a significant role in ensuring public safety. According to Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption Andrei Lugovoi, last year 7 guards were killed during the performance of their duties, in all 21 workers of PSCs suffered. 1,5 million private security guards were involved in ensuring public security, with their assistance the authorities of Internal Affairs solved more than 900 crimes. Now more than 24 thousand Russian legal entities provide security services.

Leonid Vedenov thinks that the main problem is a poor quality of services and the qualification of guards: “The system of interaction with the bodies of Internal Affairs is also inefficient.

Limitation of powers of PSCs guards doesn’t allow them to fulfill the tasks, posed by the society. The industry needs consolidation, now there are too many small private companies on the market, where a dozen of guards work. But the heads of these organizations are forced to split into smaller companies to reduce taxes”. Another problem is the inability to insure risks of PSCs employees. According to the CEO of “Audit, Consulting and Law+” company by Inna Novikova, it is necessary to make changes in the management of professional risks in security activities, including the complement of the Tax Code in Paragraph 1 Item 263 with a subparagraph “voluntary insurance of risks related to implementation of detective and security activities”, and to amend the Law “About private detective and security activity in the Russian Federation”, that will provide insurance in the sphere of NSS.

Following the meeting, the NSS representatives prepared a resolution, where they proposed complex solutions in several areas. Among them – determination of rules of guards insurance in case of death, injury or other damage in connection with participation in policing, defining the principles of carrying and using weapons by PSCs employees, strengthening the NSS training, development of professional standards.  

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