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Main » News Association » The game between “Berkut” and “Trend”

The game between “Berkut” and “Trend”

On January 15th, 2014, the next battle between the “Berkut” Sports Club and the command “Trend” took place in the elite division at the sports complex “Meshchersky”. Newspapers around the world argue about Stanislav’s Yushchenko sensational move from “Volgotransgaz” to “Berkut”, who follows the way of a goalkeeper Maxim Rodionov. While Alexander Telegin conquers great spaces of the capital of our immense Homeland, Yushchenko in a black t-shirt, like a kite, in his own manner swoops into another penalty area.

In the opening game debutants of the Russian championship achieved success – Dmitry Shishulin, being near the distant bar, act very exactly. “Trend” ’s rapid transition from defense to attack made a lot of dangerous moments in another penalty area.  Sergei Nesterenko took aim to the ball, twice the fate turned away from Artem Andreyanov.

But “Berkut” distinguished again – this time with the free-kick, when Alexei Chegolin caught the ball near the same bar. Guests returned the intrigue on the field in the end of the first half of the meeting, and, the goal being step away from the penalty area’s line was so unexpected, that fans guessed long, whether it was an autogoal, whether  a “shell” went into the net itself, seeing Andrey Objedalin…

To get the top position of a podium, “Berkut” has to win – Alexnder’s Prosvirnov wards understood it exactly and again focused their effors on the attack of Maxim’s Alexandrov ancestral lands.

Free again, and again capture of the gate. Where “wall” looked, maybe, someone moved the gate to the right direction, but after Dmitry Dmitriev’s blow of the ball, “guards of the gate” capitulated.

Soon “Trend” could return the intrigue on the field again, only one “shot” to the far bar, performed by Andreyanov, costs much!.. But skilled Maxim Kirillov put the final point, who has played much at the Russian level. The ball removed from out to “eight hosts”, and Kirillov, stayed without supervision by defenders, scored a goal precisely in the purpose.


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