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The car run «Bivshih ne bivayet»

The car run «Bivshih ne bivayet» (There are no has-beens) arrived to Nizhniy Novgorod on October, 21. A composite column made of nine cars of the guarding companies – members of the Coordination Council of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region welcomed the guests of honor on the city border.

The guarding and security community of Nizhniy Novgorod sent over twenty of its best representatives in the honor escort. The escort was made up of private guards and other employees who having worked faithfully for many years on the guarded objects earned their right to accompany the guests on the territory of Nizhniy Novgorod. On arriving to the city, the members of the composite column of the car run and of the Coordination Council of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region visited the MIA officers Memorial who were killed during the performance of their duties. The guests also laid the flowers there.

The members of the car run took part in the meeting of the Presidium of the Coordination Council of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region. The Chief Deputy of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region, Police colonel Shmonin A.B. held the Coordination Council meeting.

Shmonin A.B. expressed his sincere appreciation to Druzhinin N.K. for the car run organization which has become a momentous event in the course of preparation for the 20th Anniversary of the private guarding and investigation in the Russian Federation. The private guarding companies are approaching this remarkable date with great results. 7538 offenders have been detained by the private guards over the period of 9 months in 2011. 50 private guards were rewarded for the exemplary duty performance (20 of them were given Acknowledgement awards) by the Department of Internal Affairs.

In the course of the Coordination Council meeting a member of the Presidium of the Coordination Council of the Main Guard Directorate for public order, MIA of Russia, the coordinator in Privolzhski Federal District, Kovalev P.V. gave the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region a set of books for presenting them to the MIA employees who go on a business trip to the North Caucasus.

He took a great interest in getting familiar with the work of Common Control Department of the guarding companies in Nizhniy Novgorod. The Common Control Department solves the following tasks:

  • Creation of common dislocation of guard posts which take part in the program for cooperation with the Department of Internal Affairs; special attention is paid to socially important objects, the most public places and «zones of responsibility» located on the near-by territory of the guarded objects or along the patrolling courses of the immediate reaction force;
  • Maintaining operational communications with control departments of the private guarding agencies – members of the Common Control Department system and with the Common Control Department of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region.

The practical results of the Common Control Department activities over 9 months are impressive.

Summing up the results of the visit to Nizhniy Novgorod, we would like to express our deep gratitude for the warm welcome given by the members of the car run. We also highly appreciate the activities performed by the Coordination Council of the Chief Administration of the MIA of Russia in Nizhegorodski Region for the preparation of the 20th Anniversary of the Private Guarding and Investigation in Russia and cooperation establishment between private guarding companies and the MIA departments for ensuring public peace and order.

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